
Lena loves the snow, and she likes to play in it. For some reason she does not suffer cold. She is currently model, and you can see her on several popular magazines. AKA: Galo, Lana, Lena S First Seen: 2005 Last Seen: 2016 Measurements: 36-26-35

Loretta A was born on 10-04-1993. As far as we know she began her nude modelling carrer in 2013. Loretta A has 82 covers, 70 photosets and 12 videos to her name. AKA: Loretta A First Seen: 2013 Last Seen: 2018 Measurements: 32B-25-34

I am a free spirit coming from Italy and traveling all around the world. I adore the erotic expression in Arts especially Photography and Cinema. I am interested in music, especially classic, world fusion, jazz, blues, funky and metal. I

Ukraine is a country of perfect babes born for the profession of nude models. Zhanna. Not only is her name exotic, but entire outlook. Juicy lips under deep blue eyes in combination with flame red hair. Will she be successful?

Lesya is a breath taking, but yet amazing fresh model from the Czech Republic. Lesya comes with the most amazing pair of A sized, all natural titties, a pair of stunning and mesmerizing blue eyes, and you guessed it, long